Wednesday, October 5, 2011


SOLAR WIND WARNING! 09/17/2011 On YouTube.

USE YOUR RIGHTS peacefully! God bless! VOTE ... LINK TO NOAA river levels: visual and audible information is a natural reaction to human life through a scientific process called OCURING hypotheses based observations as conscious beings ... and it is only for informational purposes only and educational peer review. .. SUMMER TIME IN TROPICAL cells come from Africa, and typhoons EQUATOR BECAUSE posible beginning of the hurricanes in the Gulf of SU Area: July to AugustREADY! Prepare WEST MEXICO NEVADA NEW MEXICO TEXAS HIGH FLASH CELLS north HUMIDITY RAIN HAIL 'FOLLOW THE CELLS OF SUPER Northern Europe! Greenland ice melt / Antarctica ICE BREAKING ... MOBILE CANADA SUPER STORMS from Japan ... Latin America Mexico NORTH AFRICA RUSSIA CHINA KOREA island along the equator MID INDIA AFRICA ... CHECK THE JET STREAM MODELS! Theres folks homes in places with no shelter HELP, and this information could help their FAMS CHILDRENAre those of the future will suffer RESULTS AND RIGHT ... FACEBOOK / MySpace / Twitter / YouTube all means for people to talk about the right things and hopefully get things faster with the right amount of energy and effort by all nations FIXED emergency fund for them a way to be the citizens UNION IS BORN .... HUMAN RIGHTS! THE EARTH is due to natural and wable inclined orbit around the sun ... WARNING: EASTERN U.S. by...

Tags: fukushima, nuclear, reactor, iceland, volcano, chile, eruption, solar, flares, global, warming, cooling, 2011, temperature, change, ice, melting, early, in, season, energy, releases, super, cells, typhoons, tornados, hail, storm, flooding, world, wide, isotopes, jet, stream, earth, tilt, around, the, sun, north, equator, and, south, climate, thunder, wind, rain, lightning, weather, update, iodine, 131, humidity, monitoring, air, quality, elenin, nibiru, 2012, epic, garbage, debunked, im, mexican, peer, review, videos, transindental, information

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