Sand Water Filter - Low Tech, With High Results

The humble sand water filter has been strongly recommended by the UN and its various subsidiary health organisations for usage within 3rd world and developing countries thanks to its low cost, effectiveness ease of use, and the absence of any specialist training or staff required to use it.
In countries which suffer from a poor infrastructure that is blighted and sabotaged by corruption, war, famine and disease such filters are nothing short of a miracle as they allow people who need clean water to obtain it freely and inexpensively.
In fact, the positive results, high effectiveness and low demands which the sand water filter presents has meant that these types of filters have began to be used within the Western World on large scales in order to help readily filter water.
One of the major problems that plague more high-tech water filtration systems is that because they are made up of different mechanical parts this means that there is a real risk of a breakdown and subsequent failure as a result.
This poses problems, because not only is there the issue of having to replace and repair the broken/faulty equipment but there is also the dilemma of what alternate means can be used to help filter the water in the meantime. In developing countries this delay often proved to be in many cases actually fatal.
The costs associated with training specialist staff in order to properly and securely work the machinery as well as repair it also proved to be unrealistic and unsustainable in the long term. In many developing countries there is simply not the manpower, or economic resources to ensure that the necessary spare parts are delivered on time, if indeed, if they are to be delivered at all.
A sand water filter is like all great inventions elegant in its simplicity. The water that is required to be filtered will be poured through into the sand filter, which consists of a number of different layers with each layer consisting of sand/gavel which is steadily coarser.
This helps to catch larger bacteria as well as sediment waste that maybe present in the water and studies that have been conducted to properly ascertain the effectiveness of such methods have identified that these types of filters have a 90% and above success rate.
Please note that if you are a home owner who is seeking to filter tap water, then these sorts of water filters are not a suitable option for you, and you would be better off making use of another alternate water filtration system such as a carbon filter.
If you want to continue moving your health forward without having to worry about pollutants in your water, then begin by visiting my website.
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