www.youtube.com long to see live, they are now close to any building greater depth later in the video update today in the evening. highly radioactive water was found seeping into the sea near one of the reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station damaged. The workers discovered that water was contaminated from a pipe in a well near the No. 3 reactor of the water intake on the morning of Wednesday runs. The workers then a film camera near the water intake pipe. They foundcontaminated water was leaking from the wall of the hole in the ocean. Tokyo Electric Power Company, says that the water in the well 37 000 becquerels of cesium-134 content per cubic centimeter. This corresponds to 620 000 times the safety limit set by the government. TEPCO also found that the sea water intake and a barrier between the special closeness with the same radioactive substance had 32,000 times the limit. The barrier was to prevent leakage of radioactive water to the sea. L 'Company says it has managed to halt the loss later in the day, after locking the pipe in concrete and buried in the mine. TEPCO is the possibility that the loss of radioactive water into the reactor turbine building of a tunnel connecting to the pipe, because look, the water level in the construction of wind turbines dropped from Tuesday. TEPCO last month confirmed that the radioactive water had leaked into the sea from a crack in a pit outside the reactor No. 2. Later it was the loss. CITIZENSPlease ...
Keywords: tokyo electric power company, tepco, TBS/JNN, japan, tbsnewsi, live cam, burning, smoking, billowing smoke, fire, units 1 2 3 4 5 6, nuclear reactors, meltdown news japan
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